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Healthy eating

Too much fat, suger and salt and too many calories can cause problems, for example heart disease and diabetes. These illnesses start early in life and can become very serious. There is no better way to be healthy in later life ta\han to have a healthy diet and regular physical activity

In a healthy diet we find: protein, vegetables,(healthy) fat, fruit and wholegrains. Here is a healthy eating:


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Neither children or young people eat enough fruit and vegetables. Both age groups often eat oo muh junk food. junk food, kike sweets, chips and butgers, is food wih oo nuch fat, sugar and salt and fppd which has too many calories is it.



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This my first project .This is my dream job. What were you planning to do?.Work in pairs.Say a short story.

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Example:another word for the head of a school or office .Sue wrote a story for the magazine. Sue`s mum and her friend Help planned to go to Paris for a few days.